
Generally, I post review and articles on some products on my website. If I believe it is good service or product, and seller is selling the product or services offering an affiliate program, so I have no issue to refer the products via an affiliate link, that means I may receive small amount of commission or some compensation if you a product I recommend.

Why am I explaining this?

Because this website is proudly owned by an Indian, I am not required to comply with the FTC affiliate disclosure policy, BUT I believe it is the right thing to do.

I won’t recommend any wrong product just to receive the affiliate commission. If you think the use of affiliate links taint the recommendations or reviews I write, you can happily close our Website.

Do you sell any products on your Website?

We are offering only Digital Marketing Services on our website, which help you to promote your Brand. For products, we are posting the reviews and recommendations of product after the comparison of each one.

Thank You !